5 Tem 2020

Ubiquitous Surfaces by Open Space


with Artıkişler Collective


Curated by Rita Aktay

15 – 30 November 2019
Seager Gallery, London


OPEN SPACE presents Ubiquitous Surfaces, an exhibition that explores two kinds of surface that have become integral to the human experience; the surfaces of the city and the surfaces of images; the architectural facade and the screen. The two are not separate, but they increasingly resemble each other; the discolouring of a facade is now most reminiscent of a degrading image


Ara Güler, Artıkişler Collective, Berkay Tuncay, Kerem Ozan Bayraktar, Lara Ögel, Larissa Fassler, Oddviz Collective, Serkan Taycan, Sevgi Ortaç, Erdal Inci



'Ubiquitous Surfaces', curated by Rita Aktay, organised by Open Space. Photo credit: Rita Aktay

'Ubiquitous Surfaces', curated by Rita Aktay, organised by Open Space. Photo credit: Rita Aktay

'Ubiquitous Surfaces', curated by Rita Aktay, organised by Open Space. Photo credit: Liz Gorman. Courtesy of Open Space.
'Ubiquitous Surfaces', curated by Rita Aktay, organised by Open Space. Photo credit: Rita Aktay


23 Eki 2019

Burada ve Başka Yerde: Ovde i drugde @ Muzej savremene umetnosti Vojvodine

Burada ve Başka Yerde: Ovde i drugde
reasamblaž pejzaža velikih razmera
Savremene neposlušne umetničke prakse iz Turske
10.10 - 11.11.2019. 

Umetnici: Artıkişler Collective, bak.ma, Bilge Emiroğlu, Ege Berensel, Rojda Tuğrul, Sevgi Ortaç, Oktay İnce, Barış Seyitvan
Kustoskinje: Özge Çelikaslan, Gordana Nikolić

#msuv #prostorotvorenihmogucnosti
@ Muzej savremene umetnosti Vojvodine

Burada ve Başka Yerde: Here and Elsewhere /reassemblage of sprawling landscapesThe Contemporary Disobedient Art Practices from Turkey 10/10/2019–11/11/2019

The exhibition concerns the production of counter-narratives of the image of the political landscape in Turkey. As we experience socio-spatial transformation through oppressive state policies, forced migration, upside-down urban transformation projects in Turkey, this exhibition as a collective process of alternative imaginings indicates how we want to speak up for them “here and elsewhere”. A selection of engaging videos and transmedia works by artists from the Turkish Diaspora and those living in Turkey will be presented; featuring images of civil disobedience and social movements, online archival practices, found footage methodologies and image- and text-based artistic researches.

Sevgi Ortač, Spomenik okrenut naglavce, publikacija, 2010.
“To je neznanje naravno, kako sam mogao da znam da je grob ispod kuće. Odlagali smo ugalj i drva u podrum, ali nikada se ništa nije desilo. Zapravo, muškarci su tu često čistili metlom.
Imao sam samo oko 14 godina. Tada nisu postojale mašine za pranje, pa smo grejali vodu. Želeo sam da operem drveni pod sa preostalom vodom od pranja. Iščetkao sam pod i zatim ga dva puta oprao vodom. Odjednom sam čuo vrisak! Otvorio sam prozor misleći da je stariji čovek na vratima, ali nije bilo nikoga, pogledao sam svuda i ništa. Prislonio sam uvo na pod, o Bože, ide iz zemlje! Istrčao sam vrišteći.
Nakon nekog vremena, moj svekar je došao. Rekao sam mu da je čovek u podrumu i da je ispuštao zvukove poput “uuuh uuuh”. Počeo je da se moli kako je ušao u kuću. Sutradan me je njegova tetka pitala: “Da li si prosuo neku prljavu vodu negde?” Nikada to vise nisam uradio, naravno, ali sam bio poprilično uplašen da nastavim da živim ovde. Na kraju sam se navikao.” Neriman, Mevlankapi (Mevlanakapi-naselje u Istanbulu u kome su vizantijske zidine)

Zainteresovana za moć afekta i politiku upravljanja zajedničkim resursima, umetnica Sevgi Ortač u umetničkom i izdavačkom projektu „Spomenik okrenut naglavce“ istanbulske vizantijske zidine posmatra kao odbrambenu strukturu i kao urbani prag naspram pozadine koju čini proces urbane transformacije Istanbula.

19 Haz 2019

Atık Sözlüğü


Atık Sözlüğü” bir tür ardına bakma, geride bırakılanlara dokunma, eskinin hikayesiyle yeninin kırılganlığını düşünme, dönüşümün doğasında hiç bir şeyin kaybolmayışını heyecanla izlerken nafile notlar tutma; bedenin, aklın, doğanın gündelik hayatta oluşturduğu hiyerarşiyi bir çöp konteynerinde yeniden okuma çabasıdır. Bu çaba ile 2017’de usulca çıkan sözlüğün birinci fasikülünü, 2014 yılından itibaren süren “İstanbul’un Artığı” videolarının ve metinlerinin geri dönüşümü izledi. Halen sözlük, sözlerin ve imajların geri dönüşümünü kurcalamaya, biriken notları vakit buldukça paylaşmaya ya da yayınlamaya devam etmektedir.

Sevgi Ortaç & Artıkişler Video Kolektifi

11 Kas 2018


'Önerilerimiz benzer olsa da kendi gerçekliklerimizin doğasına uygun olarak farklılaşmaktadır.'
Maraba Deklerasyonundan alıntı (La Via Campesina Küresel Tarım Reformu Kampanyası) 17 Nisan 2016

Kadıköy Kooperatifi Davetiyle

Biz her gün, gün be gün deneyimlediğimiz, bildiğimiz, arzuladığımız bir süreci kendi ellerimizle dokuyoruz. Örgütlenmeye midelerimizden başlıyoruz. Üretici-tüketici ikiliğini aşmak, üretimin bilgisini ve çeşitliliğini şirketlerin elinden kurtarmak için ihtiyacımız olan gıda ağlarını ve mübadele biçimlerini hemen şimdi örgütlemek zorundayız.

Kadıköy Kooperatifi

13 Tem 2017

Crafting Neighbourhoods @ Visible Award 2017

Crafting Neighbourhoods is long-listed in Visible Awards 2017  

Crafting Neighborhoods emerged as a collaboration in 2010. Aslı teaches design, engaging architecture-design departments and craft ateliers and has been running Made in Şişhane project since 2006. Sevgi is a visual artist, teaches multimedia storytelling and initiates paper or web based platforms. Crafting Neighborhoods took part in Istanbul Design Biennial 2012, VCAS; Projections on Education in 2014, Adhocracy Athens in 2015.

INFO: In Istanbul, craft based production operates within a network structure made of clusters that have formed in various neighbourhoods, mainly in the city centre. Crafting Neighborhoods initiative focuses on these neighbourhoods which are under threat of displacement by current urban policies. It emerged as a need for a common ground for arts, design and craft practices to facilitate collaborative and transformative action and knowledge against top down processes.
Hosting face to face interaction and unmediated design practices, ‘craft neighbourhoods’ challenge not only the social and operational segregation between the craft and design communities but also the producer and consumer dichotomy that dominant economic models are based on. We urge the reconsideration of the means of crafts neighbourhoods in the production of urban space and social networks that facilitate knowledge production and sharing in the rapidly transforming city. Initiating workshops, meetings, exhibitions and publications, we experiment with different methods to create situations where people from different positions, experiences and professions can confront each other in practice. We’ve initiated photography and multimedia storytelling workshops for apprentices in collaboration with local schools; organised workshops where design students work with local craftsman to produce objects for the neighbourhood; held meetings in ateliers of craftsman inviting designers, academics, apprentices, students and local residents to think together and to deepen on subjects and urgencies such as the reproduction of space and heritage, master-apprentice-atelier based education, alternative pedagogies and labour processes.

6 Haz 2017

Kuşla Göz Arasında / In The Blink Of A Bird @ Depo

Açılış: 26 Mayıs Cuma, 18:00 Performans: 19:00 Tarih:27 Mayıs 2017 - 30 Temmuz 2017 / Depo İstanbul
Kuşla Göz Arasında, kolektif üretimin imkanlarını arayan, birlikte düşünmenin, hareket etmenin, yola çıkmanın, karar vermenin usul ve yöntemleri üzerine düşünen bir grup insanın, Apartman Projesi'nin ev sahipliğinde 2016 yılında başladıkları bir ortak çalışmanın ürünü. 16 Temmuz'a kadar Tütün Deposu'nda devam edecek etkinliklerden bu sayfa aracılığıyla haberdar olabilirsiniz.

"In The Blink Of A Bird" is the product of a collaborative work initiated by a group of individuals who pursue the possibilities of collective production, and reflect on the ways and methods of thinking, acting, departing and deciding together. The project which is hosted by the Apartment Project was launched in 2016.

"In The Blink Of A Bird" is an exhibition expanding through invites and participations based on the conceptual and structural basis constructed by Selda Asal, Fatma Belkıs, Şafak Çatalbaş, Elmas Deniz, Borga Kantürk, Evrim Kavcar, Sevgi Ortaç, Gümüş Özdeş, Gökçe Süvari, and Merve Ünsal.

Current contributors are Ali Miharbi, Artıkişler Collective, Ata Kam, Azra Deniz Okyay, Bengi Güldoğan, Berk Asal, Braxton Hood, Burak Delier, Ceren Oykut, Didem Pekün, Didem Erk, Emine Ekinci, Ezgi Kılıçaslan, Florian Wüst, Göksu Kunak, Gülsün Karamustafa, Güneş Terkol, Hera Büyüktaşçıyan, İrem Tok, İz Öztat, Julia Lazarus, Komet, Lara Ögel, Liken (Evrim Kavcar, Başak Kaptan and Evren Erlevent), Mehtap Baydu, Merve Kılıçer, Nihan Somay, Onur Ceritoğlu, Özgür Atlagan, Özgür Erkök Moroder, Özlem Şimşek, pad.ma, Sasha Povzner, Sevim Sancaktar, Suat Öğüt, Sümer Sayın, Yasemin Özcan & Sena Başöz, and Yasemin Nur, with new names adding in the course of the process and the exhibition.

18 Nis 2017

Food versus the big city of Istanbul @ Farming Matters

f: Uygar Bulut

18 April 2017

Istanbul, like many other cities, is under heavy pressure from urban development projects. In the face of this threat, the DÜRTÜK collective supports small scale farmers in and around Istanbul by organising reliable demand for the produce from urban gardens, and by building a supportive community around them. This initiative not only provides urban residents with local and fairly priced vegetables, but is also a line of defence against the destruction of the city’s historic vegetable gardens and a space of action in Istanbul’s violent, paralysing atmosphere...